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Online Cuddle Buddy Application Form

by Hung Nguyen

An online template of the official cuddle buddy application form for you to freely fill, print, or save in PDF format.

It’s been a chilly winter, and Valentine’s day is just around the corner. If you’re feeling whimsical, why not send your (potential) significant other a cuddle application to fill out? And no, you’re not alone—the form’s rise in popularity has spawned many clubs online, including the aptly titled ‘National Cuddle Buddy Association’ on Facebook.

How to Use the Cuddle Buddy Application Form

  1. Open the form by clicking the image or link below.

  2. Fill out the form if you’re the ‘applicant’ and download the file.

  3. Otherwise, next to the download button is a dropdown menu where you can print or save a blank version of the form.

  4. Upload the file back to the tool if you require further editing.

Official Cuddle Buddy Application Form Edit

Fill the cuddle buddy application form online with ease.

The form itself is relatively simple to complete. The applicant can fill out their personal information: name, D.O.B, height, gender... etc. There is also room to elaborate on one’s favorite cuddling position in a few sentences. Remember to sign your name, put down the date, before sending it off.

To simplify things, you can email the form to another party straight from our online form editor. Once you complete the form, click the caret on the right-hand side of the download option and hit ‘Email’ to have it on its way. If you’re old-school, print the form out and manual postage.



Since you are here (and hopefully will enjoy using our site), we have one of the most popular online form filler on the market. You can get started for free and fill out any other form you may need. Better yet, there are over a dozen of PDF-related tools in case you need to compress, convert, and even e-sign electronic forms, straight from your local drive.

P.S. We wrote this article in celebration of Valentine’s Day. If you have not planned the day out, check out the ‘Ultimate Valentine’s Day Guide for 2020’ via our blog.

Hung Nguyen
Hung Nguyen
Senior Growth Marketing Manager @Smallpdf